With the rise of social media has come the rise of a new mode of celebrity. Now, entertainers are under constant surveillance from fans and media alike. In this day and age, social media is a relevant part of daily life. However, whereas the use of social media can quickly become meaningless for the average user, it is a valuable tool to help entertainers build their careers. To do this successfully, entertainers must be aware of how to use social media successfully and what traits of social media use must be avoided. If this is done properly, entertainers can build their brand and image through self-marketing and can use social media to ensure a long-lasting career.


Why Social Media

The use of social media can be easily criticized for a variety of reasons; it can become an all-consuming approach to communication, and can lead to miscommunication, resulting in offensive statements. Still, as an entertainer using social media, when utilized correctly, it can be of great benefit to your career. Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, social media can be used to promote your brand and image making it an important tool in the process of self-marketing. In marketing yourself in this direct fashion, you can develop close connections with your fans and solidify your brand, allowing you to broaden your career opportunities in the future such as sponsorship deals. Of course, to do this requires a great deal of effort and persistence. The most important consideration in developing your voice on social media is to be sincere and relevant. This can become a fine line to toe however, as your posting on social media must be crafted meticulously so as to not interfere with your career and those who represent you.



Whether you are an athlete or an artist (depending on the scope of your career) it is likely that you are governed by a set of policies and procedures by those who represent you – whether that be in the form of a record label, professional sports team or otherwise. Although social media is often considered to be an extension of the self and used in ways that promote self-expression, the governing body that oversees your career is likely to enforce strict rules regarding the use of social media. In consideration of your career it is essential that you are aware of these rules and that you follow them with great care.

For example, most professional sports leagues have social media policies which institute a ban on any and all posts during a window of 30 to 90 minutes preceding a game, through to the end of any post-game interviews. Any athlete who violates this ban is subject to fines or suspensions. In 2011, the NHL instituted a policy which banned the use of Twitter two hours prior to a game through to the end of post-game interviews.Sports leagues and other governing bodies are required to put such policies in effect because any comments made on social media are seen as the equivalent to any other public statement. Given the ease with which social media platforms are utilized, comments made here can be made quickly and recklessly and result in damaging not only the reputation of the entertainer, but also the reputation of the governing body as a whole. As an entertainer using social media, it is pivotal that you remember that you are not just representing yourself with the posts you make.


Successful Social Media Use

The most successful entertainers on social media have achieved their following because of their dedication to maintaining a balance between their personal image and their brand. Kim Kardashian is perhaps the best example; looking at her Instagram Story you will routinely see pictures and videos of her as she goes throughout her day, with snippets placed in between of either sponsored content or Kim promoting her products herself in a way that doesn’t feel contrived. Although this type of posting is clearly planned thoughtfully in advance, it doesn’t come across as forced to viewers. Similarly, Kobe Bryant has amassed an impressive following of 14 million people on Twitter. He routinely uses this platform to freely share his thoughts on a variety of topics while also promoting initiatives that are important to him. While his posts aren’t always related to his work, they do give him an opportunity to directly connect with his fans which, in turn, amplifies his presence in the media. While the aforementioned celebrities are undoubtedly popular across all social media platforms, they still don’t come close to surpassing the most followed celebrity on Instagram: Selena Gomez. Gomez has a total of 139 million followers on the wildly popular social media site largely because of the wholesome image she’s maintained through her successful career. With no scandals to her name, Gomez has been able to use social media to craft a brand and image for herself and has garnered massive success because of it. Considering the purpose of your presence on social media is the most important aspect to keep in mind at all times. In knowing what you are promoting and what type of image you are trying to create, you will have an easier time creating posts and content that are marketable without seeming inauthentic.



Ultimately, in this day and age, using social media is an essential component to your career as an entertainer, as it allows for you to develop your brand and image through self-marketing in an authentic manner. However, it is imperative that you remain mindful of what you post at all times. Depending on your goals as an entertainer, it may be beneficial to hire a social media coordinator who will run your accounts for you. In an case, no matter what area of the entertainment industry you find yourself in, the goal remains the same: striving for a long-lasting and fruitful career. Social media can help you develop that, but one wrong tweet could send it all spiralling down the drain. Be mindful of the big picture and the fact that you are not using social media in the way that most people do. Rather, you are using it to promote yourself. In considering this, social media is another aspect to your work and must be treated as such in the most professional terms if you hope to maintain the brand and image that you are working to create.